Work-related stress

Work-related stress

The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines work-related stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand places on them at work”. Individuals can become stressed when they perceive they don’t have the resources needed...

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Employee health and well-being

This is a time to examine what organisations are doing to address employee health and well-being. It is worthwhile to recognise that there is correlation between employee health and productivity. As my first article highlighted, healthy employees make productive...

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More on absence

Below is a continuation on absence from previous research which I conducted:- It can be claimed that job dissatisfaction reduces employees’ motivation to attend which leads to absence. It is argued that job satisfaction is the strongest determinant of employee...

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The many causes of absence

I conducted research some years ago on absence management policies and procedures and read and learnt several interesting things. The Rhodes and Steers (1981, 1990) process model of attendance includes causes of absence and a variety of interrelated processes. The...

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