246 King Consulting Helps To Enhance Employee Productivity and Performance and Reduce Costs

Reducing Employee Absence and Promoting Employee Health and Wellbeing at Work

The 2023 Health and Wellbeing at Work survey report from CIPD in partnership with Simply Health found that the average rate of employee absence is 7.8 days per employee or 3.4% of working time lost. Employee absence has direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include sick pay, low productivity and reduced productivity from using temporary workers and returning employees. Indirect costs of employee absence include increased pressure on employees, low staff morale, overtime and costs for temporary staff.

At 246 King Consulting, we believe that healthy employees are more likely to be productive and find meaning and purpose in their work than those who are unhealthy and unwell. We are grounded in the values of honesty, integrity and consistency.

To assist organisations in the reduction of employee absence and the promotion of employee health and wellbeing at work, the qualified and trained professionals at 246 King Consulting offer exceptional business consulting services from an international perspective specialising in health and wellbeing at work, absence management and mental health training.

Services Include:

Absence management policies and procedures

246 King Consulting will devise absence management strategies which focus on early intervention and will ultimately help your organisation reduce absence levels, reduce the costs of absence and enable employees to return to work sooner. We can help you develop an absence management policy and procedure that suits your business needs, by identifying what is currently in place and identifying the areas that need to developed or reviewed. Following a thorough assessment, recommendations for best practice will be made which are in line with relevant requirements and legislation.

The experienced and trained professionals can also offer effective absence management training to managers, supervisors and HR teams. We stress that absence management policies will only be successful when organisations commit to addressing employee absence.

Mental health training

It is becoming increasingly apparent that mental health is an important factor in people’s lives. One in four people will experience a mental health condition at some point in their life. 246 King Consulting offers mental health awareness training to managers, supervisors, HR teams and employees.

The expert professionals at 246 King Consulting will educate and train individuals on how to recognise and understand various types of mental health conditions at an early stage, self-manage and treatment options. Individuals can receive mental health training so that they can become ‘mental health champions’.

Absence metrics and absence measurement

The saying goes “you can’t manage what you don’t measure” and at 246 King Consulting we firmly believe this to be true. We will work with you to regularly record absence data and look for patterns or trends. Also, we will work with you to create accurate absence measures and establish clear trigger points suitable to your business. Trigger points ensure consistency in the implementation of an absence management policy.

Employee health and wellbeing strategies and programmes

The health and wellbeing of the workforce is crucial to productivity and performance. Health and wellbeing programmes are proactive ways of managing employee absence and these strategies are aimed at reducing the causes of absence. We can support you in order to create a positive and healthy workplace and promote healthy behaviours among your employees.

246 King Consulting will work with you to change unhealthy behaviours and practices, promote healthy eating, increase physical activity and exercise and improve mental health.

Occupational health referrals

Occupational health promotes and maintains the health and wellbeing of employees. Occupational health professionals identify and help prevent illness and injury at work, advise on the fitness of an individual to do their job and give independent diagnosis, prognosis and advice on employees unable to work due to short-term intermittent or long-term health problems.

246 King Consulting will provide referrals to trained occupational health professionals for individuals as required at any point in the employee lifecycle.

JOLEne King

Principal Consultant

Jolene is passionate about employee health and wellbeing and mental health awareness. Jolene has over 20 years business management and HR experience gained in the UK, USA and Barbados. Jolene has worked across several industries and sectors and has gained valuable experience and insight into the importance of employee health and wellbeing and effective management of employee absence. Throughout her career and especially since 2011, she recognised that there is a need for more support to HR professionals, managers and employees on how to address employee health (physical and mental) and wellbeing at work. Jolene is acutely aware of the continued need for such support and advice and will work with individuals and organisations to deliver tailored services to meet their specific needs.

Jolene is an Occupational Psychologist and trained and experienced HR professional. She holds a MA degree in Human Resource Management, a MSc. degree in Industrial/Organisational Psychology and a BSc. degree in Sociology with Psychology. Jolene is a mental health advocate, Mental Health First Aider, received ‘how to stop smoking practitioner’ training and is trained in the awareness of mental health problems and personal exercise, health and nutrition. She is an active committee member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s (CIPD) Northamptonshire branch, a Chartered member of CIPD and is an Associate member of the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology (SIOP).

Contact Us

For more information or questions on our services, please email, call or complete the form below.

246 King Consulting

Tel: +44 (0) 7701096402
Email:   jking@246king.com

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